Reconsidering Private Pay for Counseling

In my opinion, counseling records should be held to a highest standard of privacy of all health records.  It is much more damaging to a person to publicly reveal a history of affairs, suicide attempts, psychosis, alcohol and drug abuse than it is to reveal a list of recent lab values and blood pressure readings.  The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, known as HIPAA was created to protect the privacy of health records. ...

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Psychotherapy – Repost from PsychCentral

Psychotherapy is a process focused on helping you heal and learn more constructive ways to deal with the problems or issues within your life. It can also be a supportive process when going through a difficult period or under increased stress, such as starting a new career or going through a divorce. Generally psychotherapy is  recommended whenever a person is grappling with a life, relationship or work issue or a specific mental health concern,...

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